Brain Gym® Program: 26 Exercises to Boost Focus & Memory (2024)

Brain Gym® Program: 26 Exercises to Boost Focus & Memory (1) Valérie Leroux - October 24, 2023

With the numerous brain training programs currently available for purchase, parents and therapists may find it difficult to select the most suitable options.

The Brain Gym® Program is an educational initiative based on a series of physical movements and is believed to impact cognitive development, mental health, and learning abilities. It is rooted in the principles of neuroscience and educational kinesiology, but does it really work?

In this article, we will explore the key aspects of the Brain Gym® Program, explore who can benefit from it, and discuss its potential advantages and limitations. Moreover, we will present alternative programs with similar objectives, offering you a comprehensive overview of this approach to cognitive enhancement.

In this article

What is the Brain Gym Program?

Who can benefit from the Brain Gym Program?

What are Brain Gym’s potential benefits?

How can the 26 Activities in the Brain Gym® Program be implemented?

Top 5 Brain Gym® Exercises

Scientific Research and Related Resources on Brain Gym®

Alternatives to the Brain Gym® program

Summary of the Brain Gym® Program: A holistic approach with limited scientific evidence

The Brain Gym® Program is an educational approach that aims to enhance cognitive functions and overall well-being through a series of physical exercises and movements. It focuses on improving brain function by engaging in specific activities, targeting different areas of the brain, and promoting better mind-body connections. However, there is limited back-up evidence to support its claims. Alternative approaches can be used as complementary.

What is the Brain Gym® Program?

The Brain Gym® Program is an educational program that claims to improve intellectual and physical development through a series of physical exercises and movements. It is based on the principles of neuroscience and educational kinesiology. The program claims that specific physical movements and exercises can help individuals enhance their cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, and overall learning abilities.

Key aspects of the Brain Gym® Program include:

  • Physical movements: often referred to as “exercises”
  • Mixed cerebral dominance: Brain Gym® is rooted in the idea that individuals may have different cognitive preferences for their left or right brain hemispheres. The exercises are designed to balance and integrate these preferences.
  • Perceptual motor training: It focuses on exercises that aim to improve the integration of sensory and motor functions. These exercises are thought to enhance the ability to process information effectively.
  • Neurological repatterning: Through specific movements and exercises, people could rewire their neural pathways to achieve better cognitive outcomes.

Who can benefit from the Brain Gym® Program?

The Brain Gym® Program is aimed at individuals of all ages, including children and adults. In particular:

  • Students: Brain Gym® is often promoted in educational settings, with the idea that students can improve their learning and academic performance through these exercises. It is used in schools, especially in special education programs.
  • Children with learning disabilities: such as dyslexia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The program is believed to help these children improve their focus and cognitive skills.
  • Adults seeking cognitive enhancement: Some adults use Brain Gym® exercises to boost their cognitive abilities, especially in terms of memory, concentration, and problem-solving.
  • Individuals with coordination or sensory issues: Brain Gym® incorporates movements and exercises designed to enhance sensory-motor coordination.
  • People looking for stress reduction: The program includes relaxation techniques and exercises that are thought to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Potential Benefits of Brain Gym® for Focus, Memory and Emotional Regulation

The Brain Gym® Program offers potential benefits for improving fitness, focus, memory, and emotional regulation through exercise.

Concentration and attention span

By participating in specific exercises that target different areas of the brain, individuals can strengthen their ability to regulate emotions and stay focused on tasks at hand. These exercises often involve physical movements that stimulate neural connections in the left brain, promoting better cognitive function and helping to regulate feelings. The cortex is also engaged during these exercises.

Memory retention and recall abilities

Through a combination of physical movements, visualizations, and mental exercises, this program helps individuals improve their overall memory performance by targeting the cortex.

Emotions and stress regulation

The exercise program incorporates physical movements that activate different regions of the brain responsible for emotional regulation.

Engaging in these exercises regularly aims to provide a sense of calmness and help individuals develop coping mechanisms for dealing with stressful situations.

Cognitive skills such as problem-solving and decision-making

The exercise program includes activities that challenge individuals to think critically and solve problems. This aims to boost cognitive skills such as problem-solving or decision-making.

Overall mental well-being

The combination of physical movements, mental health exercises, and mindfulness techniques promotes a healthy mind-body connection.

By incorporating the Brain Gym® Program into daily exercise routines, individuals may experience significant improvements in focus, memory retention, emotional regulation, and overall cognitive function.

How can the 26 Activities in the Brain Gym® Program be implemented?

Activities can be easily incorporated into daily routines or classroom settings. The Brain Gym® program is a collection of 26 specific exercise movements designed to target different areas of the brain. Each exercise focuses on enhancing a particular skill or function.

Applying Brain Gym® exercises in Educational Settings for Learning Enhancement

Brain Gym® is a program that is used in schools to support academic performance and enhance learning outcomes. By integrating movement breaks into classroom routines, Brain Gym® aims to optimize attention span, improve engagement, motivation, and participation among students.

Attention Span

Traditional classroom settings often involve long periods of sitting still and listening attentively, which can be challenging for many students. However, by integrating movement breaks into the daily routine, Brain Gym® provides students with short bursts of physical activity that help them refocus their attention and maintain concentration throughout the day.

Information Processing Abilities

With Brain Gym® exercises incorporated into the classroom routine, students engage in activities that stimulate various parts of their brain responsible for processing information. These activities include cross-lateral movements such as crawling or marching in place, which promote bilateral coordination and improve communication between different regions of the brain. As a result, students may become more efficient at processing information and retaining knowledge.

Positive Learning Environment

Brain Gym® creates a positive learning environment by promoting movement and physical activity within the classroom. The idea is that when students are actively involved in physical exercises during class time, they feel more energized and motivated to learn. Incorporating movement breaks fosters a sense of inclusivity by accommodating different learning styles and preferences.

Examples of Implementation into Daily Routines

Here are a few examples of how these exercises can be integrated into your day:

  • Perform crossover movements while waiting for the bus or during commercial breaks while watching TV.
  • Take a brain button break before starting a challenging task or studying for an exam.
  • Practice hook-ups during moments of stress or when you need a moment to relax and refocus.
  • Incorporate lazy 8s into your writing warm-up routine before tackling homework assignments or creative projects.
  • Make cross crawl part of your morning exercise routine or use it as a quick energizing activity throughout the day.

Top 5 Brain Gym® Exercises

Here is a set of 5 simple Brain Gym® exercises and their potential benefits:

  1. Crossover Movements: Crossing the midline of your body by performing movements like touching opposite elbows to knees or clapping hands across your body helps improve coordination between the left and right hemispheres of your brain. This exercise enhances focus, concentration, and learning abilities.
  2. Brain Buttons: Placing two fingers on either side of your sternum (the bone in the middle of your chest) and applying gentle pressure stimulates blood flow to the brain. This activity promotes alertness, relieves stress, and improves memory retention.
  3. Hook-ups: Cross one ankle over the other while sitting or standing and interlace your fingers together. Take deep breaths as you press your palms together and pull them towards your chest. Hook-ups help calm the mind, reduce anxiety, enhance self-control, and improve emotional well-being.
  4. Lazy 8s: Imagine drawing a figure-eight shape horizontally in front of you using one hand at a time. This exercise stimulates eye movement coordination and improves visual tracking skills necessary for reading and writing.

Cross Crawls: Stand up straight and start marching in place while touching your opposite elbow to knee with each step. This exercise strengthens the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain, improves focus, and boosts overall cognitive function.

Brain Gym® History: Mission, Goals & Values

The Brain Gym® Program, developed by Paul and Gail Dennison, has a history that traces its origins back to the 1970s. The program was born out of the belief that movement is essential for optimal brain function and overall well-being.

The Brain Gym® Program was created with a clear purpose in mind – to enhance living and learning through movement-based activities.

One of the key values of the Brain Gym® Program is inclusivity. It aims to provide accessible tools for individuals from all walks of life to enhance their cognitive abilities. The program recognizes that everyone can benefit from improved brain function regardless of age or background.

Holistic development is another fundamental value embraced by the Brain Gym® Program. It acknowledges that optimal living and learning involve more than just intellectual pursuits; it encompasses physical fitness, emotional balance, social connections, creativity, and overall well-being.

Scientific Research and Related Resources on Brain Gym®

Limited Empirical Evidence

One of the key issues with Brain Gym® is the scarcity of empirical evidence supporting its effectiveness [1]. Most of the available research is published in publications that appear to be sympathetic to Brain Gym® and are funded by Brain Gym® International [1]. This creates a significant conflict of interest.

Examples of studies showing a lack of benefits:

Additional Resources to Understand Brain Gym® Principles

To further understand the principles behind Brain Gym®, there are additional resources available, including books and websites dedicated to this topic. These resources provide valuable insights into how movement can positively impact brain function. Some recommended resources include:

  • “Brain Gym®: Teacher’s Edition” by Paul E. Dennison and Gail E. Dennison offers an extensive guide on implementing Brain Gym® techniques in educational settings.
  • The official website of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation provides comprehensive information about Brain Gym® principles, research, training programs, and certified instructors.

Alternatives to the Brain Gym® program

If you are looking for other ways to improve your brain function and concentration, there are a few alternatives to the Brain Gym® program that you can try.

  • Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI®)

The MNRI® program, developed by Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, aims to enhance learning, cognitive growth and emotional regulation by improving nervous system connections. Through specific movements, exercises, and techniques, the program activates primitive reflexes, fostering overall balance and improved cognitive, motor and emotional functions.

The program benefits individuals with various challenges, such as developmental delays, learning disabilities, motor difficulties, speech improvement needs, and more, following the concept of neuroplasticity.

It was introduced in 1989 in response to the Ufa train disaster and is now practiced globally. MNRI® does not require specialized equipment and can be tailored to individual needs.

The evidence supporting its effectiveness is mainly derived from clinical observations and anecdotal reports. Sessions’ duration, frequency, and consistency can vary, and the program can be practiced in clinical, educational, home-based, and virtual settings. The program is highly personalized and conducted by trained practitioners.

The cost of MNRI® therapy can vary based on the location of the therapist, session length, and the therapist’s level of training. It can range from $200 to $500 for a 60-minute session with a certified MNRI® therapist in the United States.

SOUNDSORY® is a complementary program that uses music and exercises for brain stimulation and may be suitable for those interested in enhancing rhythm perception and sensory processing.

  • Interactive Metronome®

IM is a computer-based training program developed in the 1990s for individuals, including children and adults with learning and developmental disorders. It involves a series of hand and feet exercises following metronome beats to improve attention, coordination, and cognitive function. IM has both professional and home versions. While it offers a playful method, it can be expensive and requires professional equipment.

IM was developed in the United States by James Cassily in 1992, initially used for musicians to improve rhythm and timing. It is now used for clinical and home-based rehabilitation and cognitive enhancement.

The cost of IM varies, and it’s recommended to contact a licensed provider for specific pricing. Equipment for professionals starts at USD 6,000.

  • Soundsory®

While the Brain Gym® Program focuses on enhancing cognitive functions through physical exercises, Soundsory® complements it by combining specially crafted music and movement-based exercises to stimulate the vestibular and auditory systems, offering a more comprehensive approach to cognitive development.

The Soundsory® program uses the same fundamental principles as the Tomatis® Method but offers a more cost-effective solution. It provides user-friendly equipment suitable for home use. Soundsory® integrates movement-based exercises with specially crafted music that has undergone neuro-acoustic enhancement. Its primary objective is to establish a strong foundation for improving cognitive processes, beginning with sensory integration.

Soundsory® provides a range of dynamic and rhythmic music, including waltz and march compositions, designed to activate the vestibular system. Soundsory® is widely accepted by therapists and professionals globally. It utilizes the dynamic filter and bone conduction concept to stimulate both the vestibular and auditory systems. This distinctive program combines music and movement, proving advantageous for individuals encountering difficulties with auditory processing. When used independently, the program consists of a 40-day regimen involving daily 30-minute music listening sessions combined with exercises. The program is divided into two 20-day segments.

The Soundsory® program uses the same fundamental principles as the Tomatis® Method but offers a more cost-effective solution. It provides user-friendly equipment suitable for home use. Soundsory® integrates movement-based exercises with specially crafted music that has undergone neuro-acoustic enhancement. Its primary objective is to establish a strong foundation for improving cognitive processes, beginning with sensory integration.

Soundsory® provides a range of dynamic and rhythmic music, including waltz and march compositions, designed to activate the vestibular system.

Soundsory® is widely accepted by therapists and professionals globally. It utilizes the dynamic filter and bone conduction concept to stimulate both the vestibular and auditory systems. This distinctive program combines music and movement, proving advantageous for individuals encountering difficulties with auditory processing. When used independently, the program consists of a 40-day regimen involving daily 30-minute music listening sessions combined with exercises. The program is divided into two 20-day segments.

CriteriaBrain Gym® ProgramMasgutova MNRI®Interactive Metronome®Soundsory®
PurposeImprove brain function through physical movementsImprove neurodevelopmental function through reflex integration and motor skillsImprove timing and rhythmicity in the brainImprove motor and cognitive abilities
MethodEngages in specific physical exercises and activitiesUtilizes reflex integration techniques and motor skills activitiesInvolves rhythmic exercises and auditory stimulationCombines specially designed music with neuro-acoustic modifications and movement-based exercises
Targeted PopulationGenerally used for children and adults of all agesPrimarily used for children with neurodevelopmental disordersUsed for individuals with various neurological conditionsChildren and adults with a variety of conditions, including motor delays, autism spectrum disorder, auditory processing disorder, and ADHD
Research EvidenceControversial, with mixed reviews and opinionsLimited scientific evidence supporting its effectivenessSome research studies suggest positive outcomesSome research studies suggest positive outcomes
CostCan vary depending on the program and providerCan vary depending on the program and providerCan vary depending on the program and provider$299
AccessibilityCan be accessed through certified Brain Gym instructorsCan be accessed through certified Masgutova Method practitionersCan be accessed through certified Interactive Metronome providersCan be accessed through the Soundsory website
DurationTypically involves short sessions of physical exercisesRequires ongoing sessions for optimal resultsRequires ongoing sessions for optimal resultsTypically involves 30-minute sessions daily for 40 days
Potential BenefitsImproved focus, coordination, and overall brain functionImproved motor skills, sensory integration, and overall neurodevelopmentImproved timing, attention, and cognitive abilitiesImproved motor skills, coordination, balance, attention, and cognitive function
& Drawbacks
Lack of scientific evidence, controversial claimsLimited availability of certified practitionersRequires consistent practice and adherence to the programRequires daily practice and adherence to the program

Conclusion: The Impact of the Brain Gym® Program

The Brain Gym® Program is promoted as a way to improve how our brain works and how our body feels. It does this by using special exercises and movements. These exercises aim to help cognitive functions, memory, focus, and problem-solving skills. The program believes in being open to everyone, no matter their age or background.

However, there is insufficient proof that it really works.

If you are looking for other ways to improve your mind and concentration, there are other programs like Masgutova MNRI® and the Interactive Metronome®. Soundsory® is a complementary approach.



  1. Spaulding, Lucinda S.; Mostert, Mark P.; and Beam, Andrea, “Is Brain Gym an Effective Educational Intervention?” (2010). Faculty Publications and Presentations. 148.
  2. Cancela, J. M., Vila Suárez, M. H., Vasconcelos, J., Lima, A., & Ayán, C. (2015). Efficacy of Brain Gym Training on the Cognitive Performance and Fitness Level of Active Older Adults: A Preliminary Study.Journal of aging and physical activity,23(4), 653–658.
  3. Varela, S., Ayán, C., Bidaurrazaga-Letona, I., Diz, J. C., & Duñabeitia, I. (2023). The effect of Brain Gym on cognitive function in older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.), 53, 175–180.
  4. Sepehrikia, M., Abedanzadeh, R., & Saemi, E. (2023). Brain gym exercises improve Eye-Hand coordination in elderly males.Somatosensory & motor research, 1–6. Advance online publication.

Brain Gym® Program: 26 Exercises to Boost Focus & Memory (2)

Valérie Leroux

- Brain Gym® Program: 26 Exercises to Boost Focus & Memory (3)

Over a decade experience in healthcare. In 2022, I founded Bioty Healthcare, blending Western and Asian cultures for a unique perspective. I now have a full focus on health content.

Brain Gym® Program: 26 Exercises to Boost Focus & Memory (2024)
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